Sartorius ambr® 15 Cell Culture

The ambr® 15 cc – 48 way is a high-throughput automated bioreactor system that has a long standing track record of early stage process optimisation and screening of mammalian cell types.

As a scale-down mimic of lab scale bioreactors, the ambr® 15 cc allows for accelerated process development of suspension, adherent (microcarrier based) and pseudo-continuous mammalian processes. Up to 48 single-use bioreactors with individual control enables full Design of Experiments (DoE) studies to be performed, increasing productivity and the speed at which processes can be developed and optimised. 


  • 48 controlled bioreactor positions with independent gassing (O2, CO2 and N2), pH and dissolved oxygen control
  • 10 – 15mL working volume
  • Sparged and headspace gassing (sparged and spargeless microbioreactors)
  • Integrated with Beckman Vi-CELL™ Cell Viability Analyzer for on-line cell counting and ambr® analysis module for automated pH calibration and control
  • Agitation and temperature control in blocks of 12 culture stations
  • Liquid handler for automated additions and sampling
  • Automated scheduling of all associated controls
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