Cobas b221 Blood Gas Analyser

The Cobas b221 Blood Gas Analyser is a system that is used to measure PO2, PCO2 and pH of aqeuous sampes generated from a cell culture process.

Process parameters such as pH, P02 and PC02 have enormous effects on cell culture process performance and critical quality attributes which makes the Cobas analyser a critical asset for mammalian process monitoring. 


  • Up to 50 samples measured per hour
  • Automatic calibration and quality control integrated
  • pH is measured using potentiometric electrodes in the physiological range of between 6.0 – 8.0
  • P02 is measured using the current generated by the reduction of oxygen (Clark measurement principle) and is measured in the range of between 0 – 800mmHg
  • PCO2 is a potentiometric measurment of the pH change in the elelctrode caused by CO2 (Severinghouse principle) and is measured in the range of between 4 – 200mmHg
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